with Bureau Of Fire Protection, Laguna

June 3, 2020—The buzzword for today is the “new normal.” But what does really the new normal look like and what are the habits and behaviors in the new normal? The Bureau of Fire Protection, Laguna through the initiative of FSuperintendent Sheila C Andrade, Provincial Fire Marshall of BFP, Laguna, and Chief Inspector Arlene A Balais and together with the Philippine National Police Academy Alumni Association Inc. conducted a 4-part series webinar on “Leadership Values In The New Normal” and “Total Well-Being.” The webinar was conducted through Zoom by Dr. Grace Sumbillo, Executive Director of Pamilya Muna Pilipinas, Inc. It was attended by representatives of the various fire stations in the cities and towns of Laguna province.
Both topics are timely for discussion as many parts of the country was shifting to the General Community Quarantine. The front liners in the BFP needed this time for respite because the past two months has been quite a challenge for them and their families. As the nation begins to move towards the “new normal,” the leaders of the community need to understand what it means and what change needs to be made. According to studies, in the next 2 years, change is needed until the new normal becomes “normal” and until a vaccine and cure is discovered to fight COVID-19.
The webinars talked first and foremost on how COVID19 affected the lives of family—it is not just the physical trauma that people are suffering but people are also suffering from mental trauma because of the lockdown, fear and anxiety of the future. The pandemic affected homes and family relationships as well. What kind of leaders does our home, workplace and community need at these challenging times but leaders of integrity, values and optimism based on reality. The second topic on Total Well-Being covers the subject of self-care in order for them to be able to care for others more effectively. Aside from having a healthy lifestyle, one needs to develop not just his intellectual quotient (IQ) but his emotional (EQ) and spiritual quotient (SQ) as well. It’s all about living a quality of life so one can have more fun times with the family and be more productive at work.
Overall, the 4-day webinar was attended by 54 fire officers. It was concluded with the resolve that if gatherings are already allowed, more leadership and family-based trainings will be planned and conducted.
Today a reader,tomorrow a leader!