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Shepherd’s Family Care Program

A program designed to shepherd the Shepherds (also known as our Pastors/Priests and Lay leaders). These Shepherds, due to the nature of their work, are expected to be of service almost 24/7.

The duty to take care of their congregation and congregation’s family is a big responsibility, thus, sometimes taking a toll not only on them but also on their family relationships. If they are in charge of taking care of their congregation and congregation’s family, who takes care of them and theirs?

The Shepherd’s Family Care team wants to help equip the pastors and lay leaders by providing seminars that talk about the importance of family, cultivating marriage, tips on parenting, handling finances in the family and such. By providing a safe space for them, this program aims to provide an avenue for vulnerability and rest.

Pastors and lay leaders who have a good relationship with their families are more capable of being effective and efficient in the work the Lord has called them to do.


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April 4, 2021