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Register for FREE! July 30, 2022, 8PM via Zoom.

Most men consider their fathers as the standard-bearers who have shaped our worlds and helped us become the men we are today. But too often, men fall short of the mark they have set for themselves and end up being a shadow of the man of their dreams.

Businessman and billionaire David Gottesman, founder of the First Manhattan Co., shares this valuable insight with us:

“Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers, and fathering is a very important stage in their development.”

In the second part of our webinar series—Raising A Resilient Generation In A Fragile World—we focus on the men and fathers of today.

The goal is simple: that we as men will do our part to raise a vibrant and healthy next generation. Our renowned guest speakers will speak from their experience of raising children and share practical tools to help guide the fathers among us who pursue becoming better role models for their sons and daughters. 

This July 30, Saturday at 8:00 PM (SG time), join us in the free webinar as we dive deep into the issues fathers are facing today. We hope to see you there!

Let us endeavor to build stronger, happier homes. 

Register now for FREE! https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrcO2grTgtHdYUguP4v5yM1NI11D9AcuUn